Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy Mistake

I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post, but I do have a great reason why - I am 12 weeks pregnant!!! Philip and I have been talking about trying for our second child for the past year, and we knew that once he got back from his deployment, we definitely wanted to start trying right away - and we were fortunate enough to get pregnant right away! ............and boy do I have a pregnant brain!

I had made beef stew in my crockpot yesterday morning, and was really craving homemade biscuits to go with it for dinner. So I whipped out my biscuit recipe card and started making the "dough" ...for some reason, it just didn't seem to come together, so I added a 1/2 C of whole milk..... (and honestly, I think I wrote down the wrong measurement for sugar-I think it was supposed to be 1-1/2 tbsps instead of cups...haha) the time Jake and I were done mixing and rolling it out, it was pretty much cookie dough. I thought, oh my goodness....I have a batch for about 3 dozen sugar I thought I would see if it would even rise and just see how it would taste. Well, it was pretty much the best sugar cookie I have ever tasted in my life!!! And I'm going to share the recipe with you.... it's definitely not healthy with all the butter, sugar and whole milk - but when is dessert ever really good for you?  I'm using this for my Christmas sugar cookies this year and I am so excited because they taste even better than the pre-made pillsbury cookie dough.
I sift the dry ingredients first for a smoother texture.
*Forgot to write "cup" for the 1/2 C of Milk.... pregnancy brain...gotta love it!